I've officially jumped onto the blogger bandwagon. Since I am so horrible at keeping in touch with family and friends now that we are in Texas, I thought this would be great way to let everybody know how Jared and I are doing. So here goes nothing. I guess I can give a brief update, but everybody that would be interested in reading this thing probably knows we moved to Texas last year at about this time. Jared is going to school to get his Masters in Geology at the University of Houston and I'm doing something I swore I would never do - teach. Of course, I also swore I would never marry a Willcox boy or live in Texas. Obviously, I have learned my lesson about swearing I would never do something. Fortunately, I love all three. But back to my story - here is our first house.

About 5 months later, we adopted Meowfish. We both thought he was quite the scrapper - there was nothing he liked more than a good fight (mostly with our arms and legs). Within the first month of him living with us, Jared's arms were pretty bloodied and people were starting to worry about what was going on at our house. We asked the vet about this and he said that cats don't know that biting and scratching hurt unless they are socialized. Since we got him when he was really tiny (picture below), we figured this was definitely his problem.
Jared and Meowfish looking "tough".
So in January we adopted our second cat, Abakles, when she was 6 months old. She is a the sweetest cat in existence and has tamed Meowfish down immeasurably (though he is definitely still feisty).

Abakles chilling out.
Anymore of a summary than that will probably bore you to tears and we have to get to the good stuff - like what is going on now. I'll keep the updates coming - and look out for blogs from Jared and the cats (I know they've been talking about what they want to blog about).